An Essential Duo

Independent Medical Evaluation and Prevention

Independent medical evaluation and prevention are essential to the well-being of a company. These two components are part of every occupational health and safety program. Neglecting your employees’ health and safety in the workplace can have important consequences for the employees and for the employer. Each party has a shared responsibility with the common objective of reducing the risk of work-related accidents.

Prevention First

The employer has the obligation to identify the workplace hazards, to control them and to put in place specific measures in order to reduce or eliminate those hazards.

Despite some real hazards and risks present in your field, your duty is to inform, to educate and to train each employee to ensure that he or she has the required skills and the abilities to perform his or her tasks safely.

Prevention is the first and most important step to successfully implement adequate safe work procedures. Concretely, remember the following keywords: information, education, supervision and protection.

Independent Medical Evaluation

Even with the best up-to-date OHS prevention program, compliance with the OHS Acts and the best intentions, work-related injuries and illnesses can occur in every workplace.

Without a rigorous management of employees’ medical records, absenteeism and disability can be costly for employers.

Impartial, Credible and Unbiased Information

Independent medical evaluation is the ideal tool to obtain honest, impartial and unbiased information of the health status of an injured worker. A mandate will be assigned to a recognized, highly qualified, experienced physician, in good standing with the Collège des médecins du Québec, to give his or her medical opinion.

The physician will produce a scientific evidence-based report following the complete assessment of the situation. This report will provide answers to questions concerning occupational health and safety issues (CNESST), disability claims (physical or psychological illness) and medico-legal problems (dispute).

The independent medical evaluation is an essential tool to inform and to help the employer to decide on the course of action. It is an effective means of communication between all parties to reach a consensus.

Strong Expertise

Contact Cyclone Santé to learn more about our independent medical evaluation service. We will advise you and guide you through the whole process.

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